Eat Strong is a package of recipes that are elevated, and simple.
Protein forward, hydrating and nutrient rich dishes that promote hormonal wellness and longevity. EAT STRONG includes a Jump Start Program that will help you get the hang of eating 100+ grams of dietary protein every day....just like that. You won't go back.

A Note From the Chef

I am a chef. These recipes are protein forward, geared to hydrate and nourish your ( very ) beautifully aging body, mind, and spirit. What you feed yourself directly impacts your body and how it works. Most of us have heard this before right? So why aren't we just doing it already?
The big a-ha for me was the realization that we might also need to change our minds along with our eating habits. It’s time to reprioritize our lives to make space for ourselves, our brains and our bodies. This… could be really hard.
I wrote Eat Strong to motivate women like us; the postpartum work horses, stretched to their mental and physical limit (ie can't fit into your jeans, battling fatigue, depression......go ahead and fill in the blank!) Through my personal quest, collecting data, and probably divine intervention, and many conversations with my female comrades, Eat Strong came to be. ...Finally, you can knock what to eat for dinner tonight off of your list of things to do!
Hormonal wellness starts in the gut. Our gut regulates inflammation, if you’re inflamed your hormones can’t communicate properly. Time to eat like it’s our job! We need to enjoy a more protein forward diet, now more than ever, to help build healthy skeletal muscle tissue. We need to eat regularly throughout the day to regulate our cortisol and insulin levels. We must also train differently than we did in our 20s and 30s and pivot to more weight bearing exercise, over the coveted cardio-fasts of our youth, to reap the benefits of bone health, and to even boost our metabolism and mood.( Blessed be!)
Start tracking, train differently than we once did, grow our gratitude for this body and all that we have done, to move it effectively NOW. Eat Strong, so we can live well now....and later. When you change your mind, you find a way to do it. It is time to hunt down the joy within this time of life. Either way, you probably need new jeans, they are most likely out of style by now.
Love, Ryan